Zero Tolerance Policy for Coaches
The Wilmette Hockey Association (WHA), in accordance with our hockey affiliations, adopts and adheres to all aspects of the Zero Tolerance Policy set forth below. Any violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy constitutes conduct detrimental to hockey and the program, and will subject the offender to disciplinary action. The Zero Tolerance Policy applies to players, coaches, team officials, parents, and spectators equally, both on and off the ice and at any time they are attending any type of WHA team event or gathering.

- Argue with referees.
- Use abusive, obscene, or vulgar language.
- Taunt, bait, ridicule, or threaten (verbally or physically) any player, coach, official, or spectator.
- Engage in, or tolerate, any behavior or language that is racist, sexist, or contributes to a non-inclusive environment.
- Make aggressive physical contact with any official, player, or spectator.
- Use drugs or alcohol before or during games or practices.
- Physically, sexually, verbally, or emotionally abuse any official, player, or spectator.
- Send any form of electronic communication (e.g., text, email, private social media message) to a player under 18 without copying his or her parent.
Disciplinary Action for Coaches
- The Hockey Director will investigate all reported or observed violations committed by Team Coaches. The Hockey Director will communicate all issues that come to his attention with the WHA President and Travel Director.
- The Hockey Director will have the authority to discipline the Team Coach involved, and with the concurrence of the WHA Executive Board, to terminate the coach if deemed necessary or appropriate.