Zero Tolerance Policy for Players
The Wilmette Hockey Association (WHA), in accordance with our hockey affiliations, adopts and adheres to all aspects of the Zero Tolerance Policy set forth below. Any violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy constitutes conduct detrimental to hockey and the program, and will subject the offender to disciplinary action. The Zero Tolerance Policy applies to players, coaches, team officials, parents, and spectators equally, both on and off the ice and at any time they are attending any type of WHA team event or gathering.

- Argue with coaches or officials.
- Use abusive, obscene, or vulgar language.
- Taunt or ridicule players, coaches, or officials.
- Engage in, or support others who are engaging in, bullying, threats, harassment, or hazing their own teammates or towards players on another team.
- Use cell phones in the locker room, unless in case of emergency.
- Use recording equipment in the locker rooms of any rink at any time. This includes cameras, video cameras, cell phones, or any other media collecting device.
- Deliberately try to injure another player.
- Make any intentional physical contact with the body, puck, stick, or equipment of another player after the whistle or buzzer has sounded.
- Engage in or incite fighting or abusive physical contact while participating in any WHA event (e.g., practice, game, tournament, special event).
Disciplinary Action for Players
- At the team level, the Team Head Coach is responsible for deciding and implementing disciplinary measures to individual players or the team.
- The Team Head Coach will report all incidents involving potential discipline to the Hockey Director within 24 hours.
- The Team Head Coach will communicate with parents early and often when behavioral issues arise.
- With respect to game suspensions, the Team Head Coach must contact and consult with the Hockey Director, who will in turn advise the Travel Director, President, and the WHA Rules & Ethics (R&E) Committee on the recommended action. With respect to suspensions and first and second strikes, the R&E Committee must agree with the recommended action before it is implemented.
- If a multi-game suspension or strike is given, and parents disagree with the decision, they can request a hearing with the R&E Committee.
- Upon the third strike and potential player expulsion, the Team Head Coach and Hockey Director shall provide a summary report of offenses and recommendation to the R&E Committee who will then review the report and provide a decision.
- Any decision of the R&E Committee may be appealed in writing to the Executive Board. Decisions of the WHA Executive Board shall be final.