Zero Tolerance Policy for Parents
The Wilmette Hockey Association (WHA), in accordance with our hockey affiliations, adopts and adheres to all aspects of the Zero Tolerance Policy set forth below. Any violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy constitutes conduct detrimental to hockey and the program, and will subject the offender to disciplinary action. The Zero Tolerance Policy applies to players, coaches, team officials, parents, and spectators equally, both on and off the ice and at any time they are attending any type of WHA team event or gathering.
- Use abusive, obscene, or vulgar language directed towards anyone at any time including but not limited to at the rink (including entrances and parking lots or other related facilities) before, during, or after a game or practice; and when in communication (e.g., text, email, phone) with any representative of the club (e.g., staff, coaches, board members).
- Taunt, bait, ridicule, or threaten (verbally or physically) any player, staff member, coach, official, or other spectator.
- Engage in any behavior or language that is racist, sexist, or contributes to a non-inclusive environment.
- Approach or enter the home or away locker rooms before, during, or after play. Limited exceptions will be made for parents/guardians of younger teams who may need to assist players with dressing/undressing or for designated, Safesport-trained staff such as team managers.
- Use recording equipment in the locker rooms of any rink at any time. This includes cameras, video cameras, cell phones or any other media collecting device.
- Throw any object in the spectators' viewing area, players’ bench, or penalty box, or on the ice surface in any manner that could create a safety hazard.
- Return to an ice facility after being ejected.
- Engage in or incite fighting or abusive physical contact while participating in any WHA event (e.g., practice, game, tournament, special event).
Disciplinary Action for Parents & Spectators
- If an on-ice official stops gameplay due to the conduct of a parent or spectator, that parent/spectator will be suspended from attending the next scheduled team game.
- If an on-ice official ejects a parent or spectator from a game, that parent/spectator will be suspended from the team’s next 3 games, in accordance with our policies.
- Any parent or spectator deemed to be in violation with the Zero Tolerance Policy will be referred to the R&E Committee for review and potential discipline.
- The R&E Committee will have the authority to suspend parents or spectators as it deems necessary.
- Any decision of the R&E Committee may be appealed in writing to the Executive Board. Decisions of the WHA Executive Board shall be final.